Now you can Display More words in Your Snippet for Better SEO
Google has confirmed that it’s created a amendment to the approach it displays snippets in search results. A snipping is that the description of a page shown below the address in an organic search result that helps show however it relates to the search question. We recently created an amendment to supply a lot of descriptive and helpful snippets, to assist folks higher perceive however pages area unit relevant to their searches. This resulted in snippets changing into slightly longer, on average. Here may be a screen shot light the outline snipping of a Google search result: Over the past week approximately, several are noticing that the snippets were longer than what’s usually been shown. RankRanger has been trailing these furthermore, and in step with its tools, the snipping length has big from a hundred and sixty characters to virtually 230 characters on the average. Here is that the growth chart:
Some webmasters and SEOs could contemplate change their Meta descriptions, however I don’t believe Google would suggest doing this. The snippets area unit a lot of usually dynamically generated supported the user question and content found in each the Meta description and therefore the content visible on the page. If Google goes to travel with an extended snipping, it doubtless can pull that content from the page.
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